Acupuncture helps alleviate muscle pain, decreases the tightness of a muscle, helps with blood flow and releases scar tissue. Acupuncture works at deep tissue levels in case that the cause of the pain is deeply rooted. Acupuncture needles serve to reach the deep rooted pain to treat scar tissue as well as other tissues such as fascia and joints.
Acupuncture is a holistic approach and focuses on the balance of the whole body, not just one specific part. Take for instance tendons that are controlled by the liver. If an athlete is training too intensely, the function of the liver can be impaired. This function is what supplies blood to all the parts of the body. If blood flow decreases or becomes obstructed, it makes the liver impaired in its function and results in sports injuries related to tendons.
The muscles are also related to the spleen. Some of the spleens functions are transporting and transforming nutrients, and producing blood. One unique factor of the spleen is to control blood flow to the extremities. If the spleen becomes impaired or obstructed, the obstructions manifest as injuries to the extremities caused by malnutrition of the muscle. Acupuncture helps get back the internal balance and eventually removes pain.